Monday 21st of November
Today it was our last day to get the draft done so me and josh where putting our full concentration on the edit to get a draft complete as soon as possible so that we could get feedback on how to improve the overall quality of the production. We both worked together on a large majority of fixing the audio levels and took opinions onboard of the scenes that we edited as to get a better understanding of the quality of the bits we worked on and how to fix/improve upon them. We both where very tired after completing the production and really needed feedback on how to improve the parts that really needed it as we has put are all into that first draft to make all the noises fit together and create a real atmosphere so we where excited for the feedback but also exhausted as we worked for very long to complete the draft to the best of out abilities.
Tuesday 22nd of november
Today we sent the draft off to charlene for the feedback we really needed hoping that the draft we presented was up to the standards that see expected ( I personally felt very happy with what we had done and was less worried than is was in the past few days because of time constraints with the project. with time left till friday to complete the project I was very confident in the abilities of me and josh to get this at the bast standard possible for the final edit.
Thursday/friday 24th/25th of November
On late wednesday we recived the feedback we needed from Charlene ( this was extreamly helpful as it showed is what exacly needed to be improved upon. This was surprisingly a very uplifting piece of feedback as it gave me confidence in my abilities and the current quality of our production.
Nico gave us a very rough list of things to improve on which we followed as well as Charlenes list of needed improvements. Me and josh got right into the edit and focused on getting better sound effects as well as more ambience to add to the diary entries that tom evans records. The three biggest changes where the introduction, re recorded dialogue and the biggest change the ending. When we made changes to the introduction we decided that it would make more logical sense to have the news report after the Russians invade as to give you a better understanding of what just happened. A large section of audio also needed to re recorded as the voice acting had less emotion and needed to have a better quality, me and josh went to the studio and recorded a better version of the dialogue. The last big change was the ending and this was the biggest change, me and josh made a decision and decided to change the ending of the production as the original didn't fit well with the way the production was going, we knew that this was going against Nicos original idea but we asked around and knew that this would be a significant improvement in the overall quality.
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