Friday, 18 March 2016

my quiz answers

3 Written questions

  1. INCORRECT: You said things involved in uese and gratifacations are escapism, entertainment
    ANSWER: What is the opposite audience theory to the Effects Model called?
  2. INCORRECT: You said this is where you a fed information as if it is fact for example propganda
    ANSWER: The Effects Model is also known as the ................ theory?
  3. INCORRECT: You said negative effects
    ANSWER: Is the Effects Model generally considered to be positive or negative?

3 Multiple choice questions

  1. With the audience
    1. CORRECT: 
  2. Active
    1. INCORRECT: 
    2. CORRECT: 
  3. Bobo Doll
    1. CORRECT: 

3 True/False questions

  1. With the Effects Model are the audience passive or active? → Passive
    CORRECT: This is true.
  2. With the Uses and Gratifications Model is an audience more or less likely to commit violent acts after watching media violence? → Less likely
    CORRECT: This is true.
  3. The Effects Model when used by the media or governments can create "Moral ........"? → Panic
    INCORRECT: This is true, but you marked it false.

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