Friday, 12 February 2016

focus questions- answers

did you enjoy the game 
Callum- It was okay 50/50 i liked it but i didn't
Max- It was okay i would enjoy it a lot more if i played it more
Morgan- It was okay i couldn't get into it though
Josh- Yeah i really enjoyed

what did you like and dislike about the game
Callum- The bosses looked cool , the weapons where cool and the main character looked cool
Max- Theres free roaming and do whatever you want
Morgan- I enjoyed the basis of it it was like tomb raider but graphics where bad
Josh- Enjoyed the interactiveness of the game like customise your player and the gameplay

favorite part
Callum- The combat was easy and fun to use
Max- Killing the enemies and its satisfying when you win
Morgan- Killing demon dogs
Josh- The fighting was different to other games in this genre and more challenging

would you recommend
Callum- Possible if they like those type of game for example if they have played bloodborne i would recommend it to them
Max- Its a taste for more sadistic people to enjoy and isn't something id play
Morgan- No i would not
Josh- Yeah i would but depending on your taste in games

do you think it fits the 16 age rating
Callum- Yes in a way because its violent but not as violent as GTAV and the bosses are quite graphic but yes in parts it fits the age rating
Max- Yes there wasn't anything to bad but it wasn't child friendly so yes
Morgan- Yes because it has all the killing stuff which is popular with 16 year olds
Josh- Yes i feel it has a lot of gore and it suits this age range

is it addictive 
Callum- No not really , i will play it again but not everyday
Max- As i played i could feel getting more and more into the game
Morgan- Id get addicted to it but not because of the gameplay but because i want to finish it
Josh- Not addictive but i would enjoy playing

how did you feel playing the game
Callum- I got into it and it was cool
Max- I felt i could do whatever i want and that i had to put up a fight and be independent
Morgan- I felt i could beat the game and do what was going on
Josh- Stressed because its hard but its a lot of fun

did you find the game easy
Callum- The bosses where hard to beat but the normal villains where quite easy and the controls where easy to use
Max- No. the npc enemies were okay but the bosses where hard but definitely not easy
Morgan- Yes i found it easy
Josh- I found it very difficult as lots of the enemies are in your face and hard to fight

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