Saturday, 24 October 2015

Unit 33 Evaluation

we set out to make a very professional comedy drama type of stop motion animation that would appeal to young adults and adults. the animation would be lego based as we both had a large amount of lego to build the sets and the figures, we wanted it be be at least over 1 and a half minutes and we achieved this in the final product. at first i wanted a action adventure but with there only being one week to finish the animation we decided to just do a sort of drama comedy as it would be easier and of better quality at the end product.

the goal we had at the beginning on making a funny sort of drama type animation as well as having a array of different characters throughout the animation was achieved. we changed things as we went to make are goals more realistic for example we originally wanted the main background to be green screen and that was a big thing within are animation but as time went on we agreed it was easier to just use a cardboard box and some printed out backgrounds which in the end worked very well.the idea that stuck with us till it was completed was that it had to be funny and not forced in anyway as this can make the joke rubbish and unfunny , at the end of finishing are animation and watching it over i feel that we achieved this goal at making a comedy that wasn't forced and worked well with the setting of the animation. 

as i noted in my previous paragraph i feel that yes we achieved are goal in making a funny and appealing short animation for young adults and adults alike. this was achieved by luke's amazing script writing that made this animation fun to film and make our goal possible,our goal was also to make a smooth animation so that it would look smooth and realistic and i feel we didn't really achieve this goal as are animation look quite stiff and jumpy at times during the animation. we tried to improve this in the final edit and we did the best we could to to fix this in the editing process. 

i have a few favourites that i like from our animation one of being the set that i created for the animation itself. i don't have a lot of time as a adult to play with lego and this was a time to use my art GCSE to work on making a set for the animation itself as i had a lot of fun making it, the storyline in which luke created was also one of my favourites as it was entertaining and funny in my opinion and did the animation well. my favourite scene in the entire animation would be when ben kinobi is making puns about luke skywaker's aunt and uncle that where killed in the first film. as a voice the character six i was involved with this scene and it was funny to film and voice.

i would say that the weakest part of the entire animation would be the walking at the beginning and the end where six arrives and leaves the set. this was the hardest part of the whole animation as it was hard to make the figure stand up on its own two feet and. one of the biggest troubles we faced while doing the animation was focusing the camera for very close shots that we needed for ben's face, boba's and the bar scene, we managed to work around it by moving the camera further back but this unfortunately effected the close up we could get.

i feel that we accomplished are target audience this at the end of production yes, as

our survey shows that we did appeal to are target audience and they enjoyed the animation with constructive criticism. the comedy and the puns where the most liked and that was are intention for the animation. my voice acting was the least enjoyable part according tho the survey. after the info we gathered from a survey it is evidence that we have targeted are intended audience as well as people outside are target audience such as adults alike who found the animation funny and well written. as the survey shows it is 100% yes rate to show that they all did enjoy the animation that was shown to them.

The different types of sound that we used in the animation where all sound effects from youtube under fair use, we used a Cyberman walking sound for the walking effect of six(the main character) walking to and from the chair he was sat at throughout the animation. one of the most used effects that was used was the electric sound effect at the beginning of the animation as we used multiple electric sound effects overlapping over one another to create a cool sound effects of traveling inside a xbox. we used a lot of music as well such as the cantina band from star wars and Mexican music for the inside of ben's head in the animation. we also recorded are own voice acting for a animation which worked well apart from the fact that my voice action was one of the most criticised parts of the animation which is okay and i can improve for future projects.

i feel the most successful bits of sound in the animation was the part where ben kinobi is making puns about luke's aunt and uncle who in the film "star wars a new hope" where killed and there burnt copses are shown in the film. the voice acting in this scene is by far the best part in my opinion and the survey shows that this was everyone else's favourite part of the animation because of the best amount of voice acting that was well done and used well ,the writing was well one of the key things used in that part of the animation and made it special as luke wrote all the jokes.

the survey consisted of 10 questions and it was well used and gave are group good information to improve the animation such as the voice acting and the lighting as that was also one of the weak points in the animation. the animation highest rating out of 10 was 8 and im happy with that as it shows we did a good job with the animation itself. 

As not many mainstream animations don't use lego as a source of animation materials but comparing in to some of the animations used on youtube for example the animation above. 

the cinematography in this animation was was well done and well put together in the way the sequences where done, in my animation there was only really 2 scenes but in the one above it was a nine minute video with multiple rooms and places to be shot and filmed in the process so this animation had good variety and was better put together then our animation.

The lighting in the animation was a lot better done also than our animation as they had light when needed and it was well illuminated in the rooms and corridors, the lighting was also excellent when the room was dark as you could still see what was going on even tho it was dark and gloomy, our lighting in our animation was made to look very sort of aged in a way that it looked like a well used room so the lighting was sort of yellow coloured but in the end product it looked quite bad after editing. 

The sound i thought was equally good as we talk about sound effects and          

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